El pueblo distribuído jamás será vencido. 1 de Septiembre #MexicoVaADespertar

México está despertando. Después de caminar durante 5 horas por la Ciudad de México logramos unirnos varias organizaciones para realizar una marcha con destinos sorpresa. Sin violencia, organizada y rompiendo la tradición de represión que querían imponer el policía Mancera, Ebrard y Peña Nieto. Hoy salieron más personas a las calles y dimos un paso para recuperarlas sin miedo, sin detenidos, sin violencia. Le demostramos a Peña Nieto que es ilegítimo y le agradecemos a los medios libres y a los viejos su cobertura.

Vamos a prepararnos para el 1 de septiembre. Desde hoy desconocemos a Peña Nieto como presidente y les solicitamos a todas las organizaciones a que nos preparemos para una gran movilización el día que emita su supuesto informe de gobierno.

Querrán rematar a Pemex, querrán, decir que no existimos, pero hoy demostramos que no somos violentos, si no que podemos organizarnos.

Como lo prometimos repetiremos y extendemos el plebiscito hacia el 1 de septiembre.

Desde hoy empezaremos a prepararnos para la gran movilización en las calles y en las redes, seguiremos con la op desobediencia. México está despertando. Las tareas que iremos anunciando requerirán el mayor de nuestro esfuerzo. Peña Nieto se irá si nos organizamos.

La próxima cita es el 1 de septiembre a las 18 horas en donde menos se imaginan

El pueblo distribuido jamás será vencido.


En este mensaje encontrarán la manera de enterarse ya advertimos ante el intento de crear falsos anonymous que no pueden trolear a los mejores trols.

Somos legión.

¿Why we are protesting? #MexicoVaADespertar

What is happening in Mexico? Freedom of expression is in danger.


To the worlds public opinion, from Mexico:

The afternoon of June 10, 2013, in Mexico’s capital, a rally/manifestation that demanded justice after 42 years of  the “Halconazo”, where special repressive forces of the state attacked surviving students of the movement in 1968, were they were brutally repressed and killed by Mexican police,was also suppressed unlawfuly.

After a violent expulsion from the main square of Mexico City, the Zocalo, 29 protesters were arrested, including journalists and cameramen.
Two people were seriously injured.



Since the confrontation in December 1st 2013, when the Mexican police had to release after several days in prison, 114 prisoners when their arrests and trials have been proven arbitrary and illegal, this is the third event where, despite the recommendations of the Commission on Human Rights of the Federal District (CDHDF )

The police repeated the same abuses:

Encapsulation or kettling, banned in several countries.
Attacks by the police and infiltrates with stones at the demonstrators.
Arbitrary arrests of passersby.



Freedom of expression in danger.

It should be noted that:

On May 1, 2013, during a peaceful protest at the facilities of a television company, Televisa, the same methods were used by the police.

The 1st of June, 2013, during a peaceful march heading towards “Los Pinos” (official residence of the President of Mexico) Police intercepted and assaulted peaceful demonstrators, directly inside the wagons of the Metro Tacubaya.



In June the 4th during a solidarity soiree, dedicated to the memory of 49 grandchildren burned in a fire at the ABC nursery in Hermosillo, Sonora, and to show the level of impunity and corruption that was obvious in the treatment of this “could have been avoided” tragedy by the authorities, the lights of the Angel of Independence, were extinguished by the police and the government of the capital city to avoid the protester to express.

Then, an ill oriented campaign in social networks was orchestrated by the state, denigrating against the parents of dead children.

It led to silence the protest as not to be echoed in foreign or national media.

In Nuevo Leon State, northern Mexico, the government passed a law allowing the imprisonment of users of social networks that are accused of “harassment”

Enrique Peña Nieto President issued a bill that spot and represses so called “terrorism events” and social events such as those of teachers protesting in the south part of the country in April this year.

Mexico is experiencing an escalation of violence and attacks against freedom of expression and other very serious events, having to do with corruption, repression, weapons, and mass control.

As a result:

We ask for solidarity, support and the support of NGOs, international media, bloggers, free thinkers and citizens around the world to put their eyes on our country, Mexico, and help us guarantee freedom of expression and a return to a righteous state without represion, without corruption and constant abuses to human rights from authorities and their represive gear.


Llamado a retomar el poder. 1 de julio de 2013 todos al Ángel. Plebiscito Revocatorio


El mundo está despertando. La libertad ya viene. Buenas noches México, mientras que en Brasil y Turquía las calles se encienden con el coraje de la población, el gobierno mexicano pretende evitar el despertar reprimiendo toda clase de protestas y voces que se atreven a decir la verdad, espiándolas y silenciándolas. El 1 de junio golpearon a activistas dentro del Metro Tacubaya, impidieron la vigilia en el Ángel por la guardería. ABC. En el Halconazo detuvieron e hirieron a manifestantes usando miles de policías y los torturaron dentro del búnker de Mancera.

Pero a una idea no pueden detenerla, no pueden herirla, tampoco desaparecerla. El deseo de México que pide paz, que pide justicia prevalecerá sobre su corrupción y su miedo. Ustedes responden al deseo popular con leyes para castigar a quien alce la voz, a quien piense diferente, a quien quiere decidir libremente su futuro.

Se cumple un año de la imposición de Peña Nieto donde compraron millones de votos.

Como prometimos realizaremos la consulta revocatoria de Peña Nieto a partir del lunes en la que incluiremos dos preguntas más sobre el petróleo y la paz. En el sitio plebiscitomx.wordpress.com encontrará la manera de votar.

Es tiempo de liberarnos. Hacemos un llamado a unirnos todos los sectores, ciudadanos, estudiantes, trabajadores, empleados de gobierno, fuerzas armadas, empleados descontentos de las empresas que saquean México a unirnos. Hemos recibido anónimamente mucha información en el mapa que pronto daremos a conocer. Por esas filtraciones sabemos que negocian en la casa de un político en Polanco la venta de Pemex, sabemos que trasladaron a la Ciudad de México a la Policía Federal que actuó contra los maestros en Guerrero para evitar protestas como en Turquía, sabemos que compraron stocks extras de balas de goma y de gas lacrimógeno. No tenemos miedo.

Sabemos que espían activistas y los amenazan. Sabemos que hay un pacto entre Mancera, Marcelo Ebrard y Peña Nieto para que no hubieran protestas en el DF. Sabemos que contrataron FinFisher. Sabemos más de lo que se imaginan. Somos sus empleados de servicio, sus choferes, los maestros de sus hijos, somos esas sombras que ignoran, somos los afectados por sus políticas, ustedes nos han creado, somos esa gran mayoría que padece por su corrupción. Queremos paz, queremos justicia, queremos liberta de expresión, queremos democracia. Podrán espiarnos pero cada que lo intenten les recordaremos que estamos en todos lados.
Sabemos que circula un memorando de no actuar y no vender a Pemex hasta después del 7 de julio pues no quieren perder las elecciones. Sabemos que tienen miedo. Por eso convocamos a todos los mexicanos a concentrarse el 1 de julio a las 18 horas en el ángel de la independencia donde realizaremos una marcha a la sede del mayor del poder que gobierna México, ese día revelaremos el destino de la protesta. Daremos a conocer los resultados de la consulta. Y ese día declararemos nuestra libertad. Apoyen el sabado 22 la megamarcha en Ecatepec.


El que quiera ser águila que vuele.

Somos Anoymous, no perdonamos. Estamos en todos lados.

#OcupaWalmart 7 junio 11:30 hrs. #OpDesobediencia



Viernes 7 de junio, 11:30 hrs., Plaza Universidad
Jornada Internacional con motivo de la Asamblea Mundial de Accionistas de WM
Desde 1991, año en que abre su primera tienda en nuestro territorio, la transnacional Walmart se ha expandido monstruosamente hasta convertirse en un oligopolio que controla más de la mitad de mercado minorista de nuestro país, acapara productos agrícolas y manufacturados, impone sus reglas y arruina al pequeño comercio.
Es ya el mayor empleador privado del país, pero su expansión se da a costa de de la sobreexplotación de las y los trabajadores mexicanos, pagándoles sueldos miserables y con vales como en las tiendas de raya porfiristas, e impidiéndoles la organización y contratación colectiva auténticas.
Esta verdadera invasión de WM se ha impuesto pasando por encima de los intereses y bienestar de numerosas comunidades, destruyendo en muchos lugares el medio ambiente y afectando gravemente el patrimonio cultural de la nación.
Recientemente ha salido a la luz, tras revelaciones escandalosas en Estados Unidos, que la expansión de WM en México está basada también en graves violaciones a las leyes nacionales por medio de prácticas corruptas y corruptoras, sobornando autoridades y funcionarios de distintos niveles para colocar sus tiendas en lugares indebidos, como fue el caso de Teotihuacán y otros sitios históricos. Mientras que WM está siendo sometido a investigación en EU por esto, en México se mantiene en la impunidad.
Frente a las arbitrariedades de Walmart y el silencio cómplice del gobierno mexicano, diversas organizaciones de  trabajadores, productores agrícolas, propietarios de pequeños negocios, proveedores, consumidores y comunidades, así como grupos de defensa del medio ambiente y del patrimonio cultural, hemos decidido alzar nuestra voz para exigir que cesen la voracidad y la impunidad con que opera esa empresa extranjera.
Como parte de ese propósito, hacemos esta INVITACIÓN al Acto contra los Abusos e Impunidad de Walmart, el cual es parte de la Jornada Internacional que en diversos países se realizará de manera simultánea a la Asamblea Mundial de Accionistas de la empresa. La cita es el próximo viernes 7 de junio a las 11:30 horas frente a las tiendas de Walmart ubicadas en Av. Universidad y Parroquia (Plaza Universidad).
·       Detengamos la voracidad de Walmart!
·      Castigo a Walmart por sobornar autoridades y a los funcionarios mexicanos que se dejaron corromper!
·      No permitamos más atropellos contra nuestro patrimonio cultural, ambiental, económico y comunitario!
·      Por el derecho de las y los trabajadores de Walmart a organizarse libremente y a la contratación colectiva!
Red de Organizaciones Sociales contra los Abusos y la Impunidad de WM

A 48 horas de #MexicoSOS ¿querían silenciarnos? El 4 de junio seremos visibles #JusticiaABCYA


La paz y la libertad ya vienen. A 48 horas de haber empezado la Operación Desobediencia, la reacción del viejo sistema ha sido grande. Les ha dolido. Y empieza a causar fracturas dentro de ellos. Una muestra de que los objetivos se están cumpliendo.

La campaña de represión que iniciara Marcelo Ebrard y Mondragón el #1 de diciembre quiso ser repetida este primero de junio por el policía Mancera. Y la igual que el 1 de eme equis, ellos no contaban con el poder de las redes sociales que los puso al descubierto.

Medios nacionales e internacionales cubrieron la violenta actuación del estado, que lo mismo golpearon a manifestantes y pasajeros dentro del metro Tacubaya.

Y aunque han tratado de silenciar el Trending Topic Mexico ese o ese, este continua alimentado por miles de personas informando al mundo.

¿Por qué la policía del DF quería evitar que llegara una protesta pacífica a Los Pinos? ¿Por qué como en San Lazaro metieron infiltrados para provocar y justificar violencia y criminalidad la protesta? ¿Por qué Ebrard y Mancera defienden a Peña Nieto?

Son preguntas que deben ser respondidas. El mundo observa.

Hace unas semanas el ciber ejército de acarreados del sistema, organizaron un ataque para silenciar a una sola persona. A Julio Márquez, el padre de Yeyé, durante dos días organizaron una campaña en la red para menospreciar y burlarse del incendio de la Guardería. ABC casualmente muy cerca del cuarto aniversario. Esta mañana al ver el éxito del jash tag #Mexico ese o ese, el mismo grupo trató de silenciar la protesta que llevaba varios días como trending topic en la que han participado más de 100 mil personas y trataron de derribar el sitio web de la operación desobediencia y el sistema de denuncias anónimas. Pero no pudieron.

Diseñamos esta página y este mapa para que fueran injaqueables.

Como lo mencionamos en el primer mensaje, no hay nada más poderoso que mostrar la verdad. Le temen a la verdad porque la gente se libera.

Si querían burlarse de los niños de la guardería ABC, si querían reprimir el #OcupaLosPinos, si querían silenciar e #Mexico ese o ese, si quieren espiar las redes sociales desde Telmex con Fin Fisher les tenemos una sorpresa.


¿Saben por qué le temen al aniversario de la Guardería ABC? le temen porque fue originado por la corrupción, porque con el incendio se dio a conocer el gran negocio de las guarderías privatizadas, porque de haber justicia, irían a la cárcel parientes de Felipe Calderón involucrados.

Por eso quieren silenciarlo e insultar la memoria de 49 niñas y niños.

Por eso es importante acudir todos mañana con dignidad a la vigía en el Angel de la Independencia y a las marchas programadas en varias ciudades como Hermosillo, que partirán de la Guardería. ABC. La cita es a las 8pm en Ángel de la Independencia, allí existe una webcam que no pueden censurar.

Vamos a llevar velas y formaremos las palabras “A Be Cé”, para que el mundo a través de la cámara sepa y se entere de uno de los casos que la dictadura mexicana quiere silenciar para no caer.

Si no vives en la Ciudad de Mexico, pon en tu avatar una vela o bien prepara un altar en vigía de los 49 niños, toma una foto y comparte la imagen. Cuenta en tuiter en varios idiomas lo que ocurrió en la guardería. A las 10 de la noche enciende y apaga tus luces y toma un video. A partir de las 10 pm usa el jash tag #JusticaABCYA junto al de Mexico ese o ese.

¿Querian silenciar a los padres? ¿Querían burlarse del dolor? ¿Querían que no se supiera?

Lo conocerá todo el mundo.

Con el operativo del sábado del policía Mancera y el uso del ejército de Peña Bots han gastado casi 2 millones de pesos. Nosotros nada. Así es como se irán desinflando. Y sus pilares irán cayendo.

Apenas van 48 horas y faltan 28 días. Y hacemos un llamado a todos los medios libres, a todos los movimientos sociales. A los estudiantes. A los maestros. Al Yo Soy 132, a los ciudadanos, a todos quienes estén a favor del Plebiscito para sumarse a esta gran tarea que realizaremos desde el 15 de junio.


Difundan este mensaje en todas las lenguas y en todos los formatos. La libertad ya viene.






All of us human beings are born with rights that no law and no government grants us and that no law or government can take from us.

All of us human beings have the right to be happy. To make our dreams come true. To exist and live a fulfilling life. A free life. To live in peace. To all of that which makes us grow.

Those are our natural rights. If a person, government or corporation impedes our enjoyment of these rights, it is correct to disobey and refuse cooperation with them.

When the world strikes against those rights, the people organize themselves and knock down regimes in a matter of days. When they lose their fear.

Because they can decide it and because this is true democracy.

In Mexico these rights are not respected.

Thousands die every year from hunger and from violence. Millions migrate because they are unable to reach their dreams here in this chaotic environment. Millions live in poverty, whilst others profit off of them and become rich millionaires. Mexico is a living oxymoron.  Now the most uneven country compared to the world, where you can find both the richest and poorest people.

Mexico possesses a great wealth in natural resources and to the eyes of the world it would seem that it is a country in celebration. With nice beaches and people with sombreros, smiling living life like soap operas portray. Where despite being poor we are happy.

But those of us who live here know that that is not the case. We know this is a country where more people die of hunger and war than the number of casualties in Irak or Syria. Where great crimes and massacres have taken place. We know that justice is none-existent, fore example, considering the ABC Daycare incident and the tens of thousands of “disappeared” people.

We know it is a country where the most rich men in the world have become immensely rich, with the natural resources that belong to us and were at one point everyone`s property.

Carlos Slim, Emilio Azcárraga, Roberto Hernández, Guillermo Larrea and many more who now appear on the lists of the richest millionaires, did not create their fortune as other businessmen have.

They did not invent a method or create an idea, they did not create a business from scratch, they did not fight like the pioneers to reach an ideal. They did not forge their corporations with the sacrifice of one who rises from the bottom.

All of them have something in common. They received a gift from Mexican presidents which made them immensely rich. Most of them received this gift from Carlos Salinas in the 90`s, when  at bogus prices they received national goods such as gold, silver and carbon mines. Gifts like Mexican telephone corporations and national banks. Gifts so infuriating such as clean water deposits. In the 1930`s Miguel Aleman conceded full control of national television to the grandfather of Emilio Azcarraga.

Mexico is also the country which consumes more Coca Cola on the planet. It is the country that sells the most bottled water thanks to the resources granted to the beverage industry and Nestle. It is the country with the highest commissions, which charges for everything, even including withdrawal of your paycheck.

It is the country where the most women die from violence per year, the country with the highest rates of violence against journalists and social network users in the world.

Mexico is also one of the countries where a sophisticated monitoring system for social networks is functioning.

The result of these gifts to their corporate friends and creating the false free trade agreement has resulted in three economic crisis’s. In which millions of people lost their homes and properties, many committing suicide. This has given as a result that while these businessmen have become immensely rich, Mexico actually has 80 million people living in poverty, 100,000 dead from the war on drugs and is also the country with highest obesity from junk food and soft drinks. Mexico is also a paradise for a myriad of bankers and credit stores who in-debt and commission from your paychecks to fatten themselves.

In the 90`s not only sis they benefit from the friends of Carlos Salinas, they also eliminated many school subjects, such as civics and in the years that followed this caused major destruction in public education. This was deliberately done to ensure the people would remain ignorant, so that they would not know their rights and would accept the abuses that now seem so normal without complaining. Also in the 90`s, the FOBAPROA was created, an elegant form of saving banks and corporations instead of supporting thousands of citizens who lost everything in the crisis. Even now in 2013 we are still paying it.

¿Does that tell you something?

We all know this and it would seem that reality can not be changed. It would seem we must wait six years to vote and change the governing body, making it seem like its always been like this. It would seem this great power is indestructible.

In reality power is quite fragile. And this power has shaken before when we willed it. During natural disasters, the Mexican people have demonstrated we do not need neither the government or television. In those moments the military remembers they have their origin in the people and we help each other.

This power in reality is weak because it depends totally on you to keep existing.

It feeds from you, from your work, from your fear, from you thirst, from your necessities. It is a fearsome power because they know if you discover the truth you will be tempted to free yourself. And they will simply disappear because you will no longer be feeding them.

This power sustains itself from pillars and all that is needed is to simply take those pillars away, to watch them fall on their own.

And we have done it before.

In 2009, while the world saw as Mexico was paralyzed by the outbreak of influenza. The television and government wanted to hide the origin of the disease located at the Carrol Farms. Thanks to social media, it was found that the corruption of the government of Veracruz helped the birth of this infection.

Also in 2009, when social networking started to cause problems, taxes on the internet were proposed. This is how the #InternetNecesario (Necessary Internet) movement, which helped stop this law was born.

That same year, with the movement born on the blogs of #VotoNulo(Null vote), all of us organized together were able to make a political party completely disappear and the largest organized vote against politicians online was registered.

In 2010 when television and the government wanted to hide the tragedy of the ABC Daycare Center, it was thanks to the world wide web what the case has not been forgotten and a movement in search of justice continues.

Last year the students of YoSoy132 demonstrated how powerful taking action and telling the truth could be, online. Televisa lost 29 % of its earnings thanks to the protests, as it pointed out in its latest financial report.

This year we were able to make president Peña Nieto return from his vacations in Punta Mita, to attend the explosion of the Pemex tower. Thanks to the pressure online, they removed Daddy Profeco from his duties as well.

In Egypt as the social networks were able to dethrone Hosni Mubarak, this was also possible in Iceland and many other places around the world.

When we have organized massively to tell the truth, changes have taken place.

And that is what we are going to do on this occasion. We are going to knock down this enormous monster that feeds off your necessities and takes advantage of you. We can destroy it in a few days if we organize ourselves

This plan will only work if you listen closely to the steps provided. We can only make this work if we act together.

¿Can you imagine if all the causes, all of the fights and movements organized in one? The enemy would not be that powerful. They are only 20 men against millions.

This apparently large power of millionaires who buy politicians and impose laws and government, is sustained by many pillars. And so these pillars may remain strong they put large amounts of money and resources into these pillars every day.

The pillars are the commissions, the lies and fear.

The antidote is noncompliance, telling the truth and being brave.

The commissions are the ones they charge you when they deposit your wages on a card, the rates when they give you a credit line, the rounding of charges and the hidden fees on receipts. And you accept them without knowing that you can use a check or cash. That you can refuse to pay for hidden fees.

Their pillars are the thousands of lies they say every day on television to instill fear and cause division among us.

Their pillars are the fear they have provoked among us and the infiltrations they have made into our protests to cause violence. Thereby scaring anyone who could rebel with us.

We have been able to make corrupt political parties disappear, make Televisa lose earnings and make politicians resign with such small efforts. ¿Could you imagine if we all stopped sustaining their pillars at once?

Article 39 of the actual Mexican constitution gives us the right to create a new government in the moment we wish to do so. That is why from Anonymous and other collectives we have prepared a series of actions from june 1 to july 1, to use our right and tell the truth.

For these pillars to fall and everyone to stop cooperating with them, we need to know the truth in the country and in the world. That way citizens of the world and your neighbors will know what is happening and their eyes will open. You can support us. When you discover what the government has been doing to us this whole time, we will reach the necessary support and it will be easier to express our right described in article 39 of the constitution, to create a new government using collective power.

This is the plan

1. SPREAD and DENOUNCE. The world and your neighbors should know the truth about what is happening in Mexico and this should be visible, it must be seen on all the walls, all the schools, all businesses, all pedestrian bridges, all websites, all public media, all blogs and all social networks.

At opdesobediencia.wordpress.com you can find hundreds of data and images ready that will serve to create a massive information campaign on the streets and online. You can also share your own. Translate them into all languages. Get ready to do it en masse on Friday night May 31 so that June 1 blankets, stickers, paint and network messages exposing the truth are all over the country and public places.

Also on the page you will find an unhackable map that will receive complaints throughout the operation and leaks of all cases of corruption, violence and things the government wants to hide. If you work in a bank and know of shady business deals, you can report it there anonymously. If you work in government and know a politician and their dirty business, you can share it on the map. If you work in a store owned by one of these millionaires, you can report it. If you know of a missing person, if you know of any hidden injustice, on the map we will all know the reality of what is happening across the country. So the world will know the magnitude of what is happening. On the night of May 31, from 8pm we will announce the hashtag to spread these truths.

2. DISOBEY. As of June 1 do not cooperate with them. Leave a message written on each of their establishments. If you live in Mexico City do not pay the electricity, as the Federal Electricity Commission with their high rates operates illegally after the disappearance of the Light and Power Company. You can defend yourself against them. Leave a poster with the image of the # OpDisobedience in establishments, paste it into the products within theaters and supermarkets that belong to these millionaires, who bought the votes and bought politicians.

We have 30 days to make our discontent visible

3. DO NOT BE AFRAID. Protest and participate in the citizen plebiscite July 1. Article 39 gives us the power to choose a new system when we want and we do not have to play their game every six years during elections, as they have lied to us. As of June 15 modules will be installed in the street and online to receive signatures and the more votes we get the better. Organize and participate as a volunteer for this query because it is legal under Article 39. On the page you will find the details.

On June in some cities we will take to the streets in the first protests headed for a large national protest on July 1 in every city and headquarters of these corporations, where we will announce the result of the plebiscite and announce to the world that organized citizens of Mexico, fed up with the corruption, violence and death have decided to change their government.

By means of television and the government tactics, the government will want to infiltrate this movement trying to provoke violence so they can use the police and army against us. This is because they fear that this truth be known by the police and military, who are also victims of the system. The infiltrated will say we dream and that we are weak because we will not support violence, but when they say it, it will be a sign that we are doing it well.

From June 1st, we will be letting everyone know about the protests that we will be participating in; at the headquarters of the companies at fault and the homes of former presidents to remind them of what they did.

For years we have been exploited. Many have left the country because of its greed, millions have been impoverished and starved to death. Many have died by violence and corruption. Little do they know that once they became immense millionaires, they created us, its antidote. Thanks to the internet, others who have not been afraid in the past and  others who are becoming free around the world we have decided to act.

Spread this message and these actions to all your contacts and networks. Freedom is coming.

Expect us